ROAR FANG TASTIC Oral Dental Drops
ROAR’s FANGTASTIC®️ teeth cleaning drops are a unique homeopathic blend specifically formulated to soften plaque and tartar on teeth so it is easily removed through brushing or natural chewing.
Additional effects are improved gum health (enabling better chewing of food and absorption of nutrition), greatly improved breath (due to natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties).
Let your pet can enjoy the very best of teeth, gum and oral health… ALL WITHOUT ANESTHESIA!
- Pump dose onto a small piece of healthy treat or directly in mouth avoiding direct contact with pump. Wait 15 minutes either side of giving dose to feed any meal.
- Dosing should be administered 2 times a day for 1 month, followed by a 1 week stand down period.
- Repeat the 1 month softening cycle / 1 week stand-down period for as many times as it takes for the teeth to become clean. Teeth heavily coated in plaque and tartar took 4-6 cycles to become clean.
- In addition to using the dental drops, brush your pet’s teeth with a toothbrush OR, if you pet won’t allow this, offer firm chews (if they are used to them). This step is vital as it helps slough off the softened plaque and tartar. Wait for 15 minutes either side of administering the drops before cleaning teeth.
- Continue cleaning teeth during the stand down week.
- Once your pet’s teeth are clean, maintenance is dosing 2 times a day for 2 days out of each week. or dosing 2 times a day for 7 consecutive days in a month. Both of these methods seemed to maintain results.
Ingredients: FANGTASTIC®️ dental drops are prepared in a base of vegetable glycerine and distilled water.
Other ingredients include: Fragaria,Hepar sulph, Mezereum, Kerosotum, Bacillinum, Staphysagria, Calendula, Berberris, Calcium phosphorus.
If symptoms persist, come into the health shop, for a chat or phone
and make an appointment and see me as a naturopath in my clinic about your aanimal.
Phone: 094264455