Oasis Rhino Repair 50ml & 150ml

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Rhino Repair is a powerful, natural healing cream that can be used for a wide-range of skin conditions. From dry, itchy skin to sunburn, nappy rash to bites – Rhino Repair’s gentle but potent formula can soothe and help repair them all. No bathroom cabinet should be without it.

Trusted for over 10 years in New Zealand, Rhino Repair is made using a powerhouse of 12 awesome, natural ingredients. They are New Zealand honey, neem, vitamin E, echinacea, aloe vera, castor oil, calendula, rosemary, chamomile, lavender and rosehip.

Rhino Repair is so gentle that you can you use it from top to toe, even around the eyes and all the places in-between. It’s suitable for all the family - young and old, pregnant women, babies and geriatrics.

Rhino Repair is a proud supporter of the New Zealand Eczema Association.

Rhino Repair:

  • Helps to relieve dry, itchy or flaky skin conditions (including the eye area)
  • Repairs dry chapped skin
  • Calms and moisturise skin after shaving or waxing
  • Is an amazingly nourishing facial cream for dry skin
  • Helps prevent baby nappy rash and dribble rash
  • Takes the sting out of sunburn and itchy bites
  • Use on face, body and eye area.
  • Try it as an intensive hair conditioning treatment
  • Is suitable for pregnant women, babies and children.

For general use, massage a small amount of Rhino Repair into dry or tender skin areas as often as needed. A little goes a long way.  

You should feel immediate relief but, if symptoms persist, seek medical advice.

The packaging of Rhino Repair is recyclable and tested to the highest standards by our team of experienced quality control testers such as Katie the Parrot.  As you can see, Oasis Beauty products are tested by animals, not on animals!

If symptoms persist come into the health shop for a chat or phone and make an appointment and see me as a naturopath in my clinic.
Phone: 094264455

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3 Tamariki Avenue
Stanmore Bay
Orewa 0931


Opening Hours:

Monday - Friday - 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday - 9:00am - 1:00pm

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