Oatbran 250g
Oats are widely regarded as one of the healthiest grains you can eat, as they’re packed with many important vitamins, minerals, and fibre.
The oat grain (Avena sativa) is harvested and processed to remove the inedible outer hull. What’s left is the oat groat, which is further processed to make oatmeal.
Oat bran is the outer layer of the oat groat, which sits just beneath the inedible hull. While oat groats and steel-cut oats naturally contain bran, oat bran is also sold separately as its own product.
Oat bran is linked to many health benefits, such as improved blood sugar control, healthy bowel function, and lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
Oat bran has a well-balanced nutritional composition.
While it has similar amounts of carbs and fat to regular oatmeal, oat bran boasts more protein and fibre — and fewer calories. It is especially high in beta-glucan, a powerful type of soluble fibre.
One cup (219 grams) of cooked oat bran contains:
- Calories: 88
- Protein: 7 grams
- Carbs: 25 grams
- Fat: 2 grams
- Fibre: 6 grams
- Thiamine: 29% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
- Magnesium: 21% of the RDI
- Phosphorus: 21% of the RDI
- Iron: 11% of the RDI
- Zinc: 11% of the RDI
- Riboflavin: 6% of the RDI
- Potassium: 4% of the RDI
In addition, oat bran provides small amounts of folate, vitamin B6, niacin, and calcium.
Its high nutrient and low calorie content make it very nutrient dense.
Oat bran is delicious, versatile, and easy to add to your diet. Try it in baked goods, as a hot cereal, or sprinkled on various snack or breakfast foods.