Carob Powder 250g

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  Carob powder, also called carob flour, is a cocoa powder alternative.
It’s made from dried, roasted carob tree pods and looks a lot like cocoa powder. Carob powder is often used as a natural sweetener in baked goods. It’s sweet and has a unique taste.The carob tree, or Ceratonia siliqua, has fruit that looks like a dark brown pea pod, which carries pulp and seeds. Carob is a sweet and healthy substitute for chocolate. Using it for health benefits goes back 4,000 years to ancient Greece. Coming from a different plant from cocoa, carob is a desirable alternative as it contains fewer calories and fat than cocoa, as well as the added advantage of being rich in nutrients and antioxidants.

According to the "Encyclopaedia of Healing Foods, 19th-century British chemists sold carob pods to singers. Chewing on carob pods helped singers maintain healthy vocal cords and soothe and cleanse their throat.

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