Salvestrol Platinum 90's + 60's
Salvestrols are plant derived compounds called PHYTONUTRIENTS essential for wellbeing that cannot be made in the body and must therefore be supplied through our diet. They have been identified in many fruits, vegetables and herbs.
They are converted inside diseased cells by a specific enzyme (CYP1B1) into compounds that can destroy the diseased cell. Because the enzyme is not present in healthy cells the Salvestrols exert no ill effects on them. They are a natural rescue mechanism and may be essential to good health.
Acting as the cell’s own police force Salvestrols help to ensure the cell functions correctly. Antioxidants strive to protect our cells from DNA damage but are ineffective once the damage is done. Salvestrols work beyond antioxidants by eliminating the damaged cells. Since we all have damaged cells in our bodies taking Salvestrol helps us heal ourselves before sufficient accumulation can make us sick.
The body finds Salvestrols so important they escape the first attempts of the liver to remove them from the body – a process known as first pass metabolism. The need for the body to hold on to these compounds for as long as possible caused the Scientists who discovered them to call them Salvestrols from the Latin word SALVE (to save).