Maca Powder 120g
This superfood has gained quite the reputation as a means to naturally balance out of whack hormones.
Also known as “Peruvian Ginseng” maca is an adaptogenic herb, which means (if you’re wondering) that while the herb does not contain any hormones, and consequently can help the body function optimally during times of stress.
Maca does this by stimulating and nourishing the hypothalamus and pituitary glands which are the “master glands” of the body. These glands regulate other glands, and therefore can bring balance to the adrenal, thyroid, pancreas, ovarian and testicular glands.
One of the other awesome things about maca is it tastes a bit like caramel.
At Ceres Organics we believe in the power of ‘real’ plant-based ingredients. So our Maca Powder is derived from certified organic maca roots (Peruvian ginseng), used for centuries for nourishment and healing. Add to smoothies, cereal or baking for a boost of nutrition.